In case you don't know who Carla is, here is a little history. Carla booked me a few months ago and before even meeting me referred me to her sister for her son's Communion (see last post) and then referred me to her other sister for her daughter's baptism and then referred me to her friend for a family session and then... Actually, Carla is my new agent / booker! haha
She can be part of my full time staff here at the studio.
All this to say, she is absolutely amazing and her family has become like family! And like my family, they try to feed me all the time (which is great!! no complaints there, really). Each one of them is super sweet and amazing and I could seriously spend the entire day following them around and snapping pictures. :)
Rocco made my job super easy considering he is gorgeous and kept calm and happy on his special day. And I can't wait to see him again soon! :)