Friday, January 18, 2013

Axelle | Montreal Newborn Photographer | Photographe de Nouveaux- Né à Montréal

Donc j'ai décidé d'écrire un petit quelque chose en français pour la maman et le papa d'Axelle.

Je crois que le rêve, depuis mes début en photographie de nouveaux-né, et bien sur celui de tout photographe de nouveaux-nés, est un bébé qui dort durant toute la session, ou presque. Enfin, en studio, ce bébé était Axelle. Elle a dormit durant toute la session... C'est a dire 3 heure de temps! Elle était tellement incroyable qu'on a réussi a faire plusieurs différente pose durant la session.
Je suis super heureuse que maman et papa ait reçu un certificat cadeau de chez moi pour la session de leurs petite princesse! Apres de nombreux petit sourire et un peu de difficulté a choisir les photos finales (il y en avait tellement de belle), j'espère que vous êtes satisfait du résultat. :)

Axelle  14 jours

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Talia | Montreal Newborn Photographer | Photographe de Nouveaux- Né à Montréal

Talia's parents found me through an old friend of mine.... 2 years ago, when they gave birth to their first, Daniel and I was still working from home...
Well, in just 2 years, I think I can say I've come a long way. I'm no longer working from home and now have studio space in an awesome commercial building in Montreal (which I'm still fixing up, but that's another story!) and I can definitely say that my work and style have evolved., from the way I shoot to my props to the retouching (this puts a smile to my face!). :)
Daniel was one of my first newborn shoots and it's awesome to see how he grew into a little man since. So, I made sure to snap a few pictures when Talia came by for her session :)

Talia  21 days

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

James | Montreal Newborn Photographer | Photographe de Nouveaux- Né à Montréal

It's already mid-January and I have no idea how we got here so fast. I haven't posted anything since the mini video of some of 2012's newborns (which can be found on my Facebook page, btw :)), but that's only because it's been so busy at the studio with a bunch of boys!

Let me introduce you to James. A little boy. A sweetheart. And only 10 days when he came by. 
This is just a little preview in the meantime that mom sees the rest of the session !! Because James is definitely photogenic :)

Remember mom ?!?!

James  10 days